Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May Garden Center in Oconomowoc

I just learned that May Garden Center, Inc at 132 E. Wisconsin Ave in Oconomowoc carries Canadian Sphagnum Peat Moss.   Kris and I spent weeks trying to find a good source for eco-friendly seed starting ingredients back in February and totally struck out (as Miracle-Gro seems to have a stranglehold on that market and I will never consider Miracle-Gro a green product). So, this news really excites me.  Peat moss is generally regarded as a really bad thing to buy because it destroys peat bogs, but supposedly any peat moss from Canada has been harvested in a sustainable way.  Rumor has it that May Garden Center also carries several other 'green' products.  Field trip anyone? 


Anonymous said...

Driven down from Canada? Sounds not so green...

Jim said...

I've thought the same thing, but have only heard of coir (coconut husks) as an alternative, and those aren't local either. Do you know of a green, local alternative to peat moss?

Kristin said...

Jill told me that May Garden also sells Corn Gluten.